Bachman Lake Dam Rehab

Dallas Water Utilities is rehabilitating the Bachman Lake Dam and Spillway to minimize flood risk, ensure dam safety and meet regulatory requirements.

Construction underway on the Bachman Dam and Spillway

Bachman Dam was originally built in 1901 to mitigate flooding of nearby properties, infrastructure and businesses.

While the dam has only needed minor repairs over its lifetime, larger improvements are required to minimize flood risk and comply with regulations for dam safety. Trail improvements are also needed for public safety and better accessibility.

Lake dredging was completed in Spring 2023 to restore the lake’s depth. Construction on the dam, lake spillways and trail improvements began in December of 2023.

Aerial photograph of Bachman Lake Park and its surrounding area located in Dallas, Texas, taken in 1954.
Haskins, Squire. [Aerial View of Bachman Lake Park and Surrounding Area], photograph, 1954; ( accessed November 21, 2019), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Dallas Municipal Archives.

Project Overview

Learn more about the dam and spillway rehabilitation.

Construction Timeline

View the project’s current schedule for completion.

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October Bachman eNews

Progress in Motion It’s been a busy summer! Check out our time-lapse videos of the construction work (covering June – August 2024), including a new concrete channel that allows water from the lake to flow through the spillway construction area and downstream. We’ll be...

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3 days ago
Bachman Lake Dam

Public Safety Notice: Boaters, for your safety when on the lake, you are urged to keep a distance of at least 50 ft. from the spillway and the main dam embankment areas.

Aviso de seguridad pública: Personas en botes, para su seguridad en el lago, deben mantenerse a una distancia mínima de 50 pies del desagüe y de las áreas principales del terraplén.
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Public Safety Notice: Boaters, for your safety when on the lake, you are urged to keep a distance of at least 50 ft. from the spillway and the main dam embankment areas. 

Aviso de seguridad pública: Personas en botes, para su seguridad en el lago, deben mantenerse a una distancia mínima de 50 pies del desagüe y de las áreas principales del terraplén.
5 days ago
Bachman Lake Dam

Public Safety Notice: Bachman Lake Dam project crews are cleaning up debris carried to the construction site by the heavy rains in late January. The public is advised to use caution near the construction zone and be aware of construction activity when using the sidewalk along Denton Drive.

Aviso de seguridad pública: Los equipos del proyecto de la presa del Lago Bachman están limpiando los escombros que fueron arrastrados al lugar de la construcción por las fuertes lluvias a finales de enero. Se recomienda al público tener cuidado en la zona de construcción y estar atento a las actividades de la construcción al usar la acera a lo largo de Denton Drive.
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Public Safety Notice: Bachman Lake Dam project crews are cleaning up debris carried to the construction site by the heavy rains in late January. The public is advised to use caution near the construction zone and be aware of construction activity when using the sidewalk along Denton Drive.

Aviso de seguridad pública: Los equipos del proyecto de la presa del Lago Bachman están limpiando los escombros que fueron arrastrados al lugar de la construcción por las fuertes lluvias a finales de enero. Se recomienda al público tener cuidado en la zona de construcción y estar atento a las actividades de la construcción al usar la acera a lo largo de Denton Drive.
7 days ago
Bachman Lake Dam

Construction crews are building the new spillway in numerous small sections. This approach allows for steady progress, with crew members completing their individual tasks for the project in different areas at the same time. Once several sections are ready, the crews will pour 100-200 cubic yards of concrete daily to cast the panels/spillway decking. Afterward, they will refine and finish the concrete surfaces. Stay tuned as we continue progress on the Bachman Lake Dam improvements!

Los equipos de construcción están construyendo el nuevo desagüe en numerosas secciones pequeñas. Este método permite progresar de forma constante, con los miembros del equipo completando sus tareas individuales del proyecto en diferentes áreas al mismo tiempo. Una vez que varias secciones estén listas, los equipos verterán diariamente entre 100 y 200 yardas cúbicas de hormigón para moldear los paneles/tableros del desagüe. Después, ellos perfeccionarán y terminarán las superficies del hormigón. ¡Manténgase informado a medida que avanzamos en las mejoras de la presa del Lago Bachman!

City of Dallas Water Utilities City of Dallas - City Hall Friends of Bachman Lake Bachman Lake Together Dallas Rowing Club Dallas Love Field
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